Festool Yardstick Festool
- Order number: FES201464
Model: Festool
Your practical everyday partner.
- Quality standard with closely arranged links and joints made from hardened sheet steel with integrated precision springs
- Manufacturer: STABILA, Germany
- Colour: Dark blue protective coating, unsurpassed weather- and abrasion-resistance with printed Festool logo and www.festool.com
- 2-metre wooden folding yardstick, 10 links
- wood material, joints with hardened inner steel spring
in carton
Warranty all-inclusive
Strengths and Benefits
Product Application
Scope of Delivery
Technical Data
Package Dimensions
- Logistic Weight: 0.103 kg
- Package L X W X H: 24 cm X 3.3 cm X 1.6 cm
- Package Volume: 0.127 dm3
Scope of Delivery
FES201464Measuring/Marking > Rulers